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Isotope Building, 88, USA

Start off the your summer with energy savings!

There are two times of year that homeowners and businesses really get to thinking about the high cost of energy. During the winter, your heating costs can skyrocket. And our summers keep getting longer and longer which means triple digit temperatures, and triple digit electric bills. The good news is that if you take a proactive approach to cutting energy costs around your home or business, you can often find small, but significant ways to lower your bills.

At Gary Houston Electric Company, our electricians have a lot of experience helping our customers save on electrical costs. Often all that it takes is some common sense changes in daily energy usage, which can be easily facilitated through the use of programmable thermostats. LED lighting can lead to immediate energy savings, and the bulbs only have to replaced about once every five years. And if you feel a draft, inexpensive weather stripping can help. If you live in an older house, it can’t hurt to have your wiring checked. It might not make that big of a difference with your monthly bill, but it will definitely reduce your risk of encountering frequently tripped breakers and electrical fires.

Contact us at any time to schedule an electrical inspection of your home or business, we’ll send a commercial or residential electrical contractor as indicated to perform a full inspection and advise you of changes that need to be made. We’ll work with you to plan a detailed schedule of upgrades that will keep you safe, keep you comfortable, and lower your energy costs.

Call Gary Houston at 501-375-8330 or contact us online at this link and we’ll get started saving you money!