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Isotope Building, 88, USA

Don’t Let an Electrical Emergency Leave You in the Dark!

Summer has finally departed, hopefully taking those high cooling bills with it, along with the threat of random power outages due to overloaded electrical systems. But, this is Arkansas, and the coming winter brings its own style of entertainment.

Arkansas winters can be mild or brutal, we just never know. But however it goes you don’t want to let electrical emergencies catch you unprepared. Here at Gary Houston Electric Company we’ve put together a checklist you can use as a guide to help you weather the weather should you lose power.

Make sure you have at least one of the following in case of power failure:

  • Cell Phone
  • Portable Charger
  • Extra Batteries
  • Blankets
  • Fresh Water
  • Prescription drugs and other medicine
  • First-aid kit
  • Chemical Fire Extinguisher
  • Rock Salt for Driveways/Walkways
  • Cat Litter or Sand for Traction
  • Battery-powered Radio Capable of Receiving NOAA Broadcasts

Familiarize yourself with these winter warning terms so you’ll know what’s headed your way:

  • Winter Weather Advisory: Expect cold with accumulation of snow/freezing rain/sleet making conditions hazardous.
  • Frost/Freeze Warning: Expect below-freezing temperatures.
  • Winter Storm Watch: Be alert; a storm is likely.
  • Winter Storm Warning: Winter storm is imminent or underway
  • Blizzard Warning: Snow and strong winds, near-zero visibility, deep snow drifts, and life-threatening wind chill require that you get to shelter immediately.

Keep enough food for several days, such as canned and no-cook foods. Also, make sure your home wiring is up to the task of keeping the power going without blowing a circuit. Keep extra breakers (or fuses) on hand, just in case, and make sure each of the circuits in your home is capable of delivering the power you’ll need. An outage limited to your home is just as hazardous, if not more so, than a widespread event.

If you do need emergency electrical service Gary Houston Electric Company has the best electricians in Little Rock, trained and certified and ready to come lend a hand.

Don’t sit in the dark all alone. Call Gary Houston at 501-375-8330 or contact us online and we’ll be on the way.