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Isotope Building, 88, USA

When you invest in a Kohler generator, you’ll never be in the dark again!

There are many places in the world that are well known for their extreme weather during certain times of year. Whether you’re dealing with Nor’ easters in New England, Monsoons in Mumbai, or Tsunamis in Tokyo, there are always certain times of year when the locals watch the weather forecast with nervousness, and wonder if they’re going to be lucky enough to once again escape Mother Nature’s wrath.

Arkansas is well-known for its scenic beauty, and its mild, temperate climate. It is probably equally known for seasonal weather extremes. The good news is that Gary Houston Electric is proud to be Arkansas’ top Kohler dealer. Kohler generators have been providing true peace of mind to homes and businesses since 1920, and we’re ready to show you how easy that it is to keep the lights on at your home or business, no matter what happens.

We’ll start by determining which product is most ideal for your needs. Kohler has product lines that can fit even the most modest budgets, and as long as you follow the recommended preventative maintenance schedule, your operational costs will be very low.

In the event of a power loss, your Kohler generator will restore power to your home or business in a matter of seconds, and you and your family will be able to “ride out the storm” without worrying about missing the weather forecasts, losing the food in their refrigerator or deep freezes, or being unable to run life-saving medical equipment.

One concern that we hear frequently is about noise and pollution, based on the experiences that our clients have had at Tailgate parties and large campgrounds. The good news is that Kohler generators use clean-burning natural gas, which means less noise, no odor, and a a smaller carbon footprint for all users.

For more information, or to schedule a consultation, contact us online or at 501-375-8330.