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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

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Gary Houston Electric Company

Employee Spotlight January 2018-James Williams

This quarter, Gary Houston Electric would like to highlight James Williams for his exceptional work ethic and attitude. From the battlefield to the construction field, James has many accomplishments to ensure his success at GHEC.

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If you ever have an electrical emergency, you can count on us!

Whether it’s the middle of the night or the middle of the playoffs, there’s never a good time for the power to go out, which is why most people regard a power outage as an emergency. If the cause is a lightning strike, an overheated circuit, or an animal chewing on the wiring, your first priority is to make sure there is no danger to lives or property. If you smell smoke or see flames, get out immediately and call the fire department.

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