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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

Emergency 24/7 Service

Gary Houston Electric Company

Remodeling or Adding On? Call Us!

We all take a lot of pride in our homes, and spend most of our time there. Unfortunately, sometimes our needs change from the time that we moved in, and we have to make a change. In many cases, our families start to get larger (and acquire more things), and we outgrow the space. Sometimes we decide to finally get around to making those renovations that we’ve talked about since the day that we moved in.

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Three reasons to keep GHEC on speed dial

Any time that you need an electrician, it’s always important to make an informed decision. You owe it to yourself to find a company that does quality work, and does it quickly. It’s also extremely important to find a company with a solid reputation that you can trust to invite into your home, and won’t force you to call in someone later to fix their substandard work.

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