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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

Emergency 24/7 Service

Gary Houston Electric Company

Gary Houston Electric offers emergency electrical services around the clock!

Even though we get so used to it that we tend to take it for granted, it’s great to have electricity in our homes. After all, it keeps our families comfortable, fed, and entertained. Even short power outages are a real inconvenience, but what happens when you have an electrical emergency? Do you know when to call an electrician? The answer is any time that you feel that your family is at risk. The modest expense of an emergency electrician is a small price to pay to keep your home and family safe.

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Start the new year off with a safety inspection!

When it comes to household electrical safety, you owe it to yourself and your family to be proactive. Most newer homes are built to very strict safety standards, but older homes might not have been built to those same standards, and may need some updates. Whatever the case, it can be very dangerous to assume that you don’t have any problems. That’s why you need to call an electrician every few years to make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to prevent electrical fires, frequently tripped breakers, and other problems.

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