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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

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Gary Houston Electric Company

Light up the Holidays Safely

The holidays are a time for joy and family. People think of decorations, good times, great food and special visits from those far away. Before you go all out on this year’s holiday display, treat yourself to a few safety tips about how to protect your home and family this holiday season.

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Five Surge Protector Tips for Home

When you think of power surges, you think of storms. Although a lightning strike near your home can be catastrophic for your gadgets, power surges can originate from within your home, too. Faulty wiring or something simple like the AC unit or fridge turning on can trigger a surge. Before you try to save $15 on a surge protector to keep your electronics safe, consider these tips.

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