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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

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Gary Houston Electric Company

Start off the your summer with energy savings!

There are two times of year that homeowners and businesses really get to thinking about the high cost of energy. During the winter, your heating costs can skyrocket. And our summers keep getting longer and longer which means triple digit temperatures, and triple digit electric bills. The good news is that if you take a proactive approach to cutting energy costs around your home or business, you can often find small, but significant ways to lower your bills.

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When you’re choosing an electrical contractor, you owe it to yourself to insist on the best!

When you need quality electrical service, you have a lot of choices of residential and commercial electricians, and finding the one that’s the right fit can be a daunting task. You should always request bids from multiple contractors and see how they compare. You should also never be afraid to ask questions, particularly if a bid comes in substantially lower than the others: what corners are they prepared to cut to offer you that rock bottom price?

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