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Gary Houston Electric Company

How LED Lights Save You Money

There are many things that you can do around the house to lower your electric bills, including adjusting your thermostat, installing weatherstripping and/or storm windows and doors, checking attic insulation, and turning off lights when you’re not in a room. These methods have been around for as long as people have had air conditioning and electrical lighting in their homes, and a few small changes can typically lead to significant savings right away.

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LED Lighting: Impress the Best

Like many “new” technologies, LED (light emitting diode) lighting has been around for quite a long time, since 1907 in fact. At least, the theory was developed in 1907, and the first patent was issued in 1962. As far back as the late 1960s, red LED indicators were began showing up in expensive calculators and wristwatches, only to be replaced by the cheaper LCD (liquid crystal display) technology.

Fast-forward to 2015 and LED lighting is showing up everywhere! No, it hasn’t been put back into calculators and wristwatches, but virtually every incandescent lighting application now has a more efficient LED counterpart, from traffic signals to automotive lighting to the interior and exterior of our homes and businesses.

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