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Gary Houston Electric Company

Danger: Electrical Problems Common in Older Homes

If you live in an older home, you know they’re often filled with quirky attributes – some of them not so charming. Case in point: many older homes have electrical problems that aren’t just annoying, they’re downright dangerous.

Sometimes it’s OK to rely on our own gumption to save money. But if you think you’re in over your head – you probably are. Sometimes you have to decide between saving a few bucks and possibly saving a life.

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Generators for Business: Keep Generating Money During Power Outages

In light of multiple power outages this winter – compliments of the infamous polar vortex – business owners should seriously consider the benefits of a generator.

A residential and commercial electric company for 36 years, we’ll keep you in business if you lose power. We’re sure you’ll find Gary Houston Electric Company’s professional services to be well worth the investment.

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