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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

Emergency 24/7 Service

Gary Houston Electric Company

Know What to Do – & What Not to Do – in an Electrical Emergency

Most of us know the basics of using electricity safely in our homes and businesses. However, electrical emergencies can occur sometimes that we have no control over, putting both our family and property at risk.

Gary Houston Electric Company (GHEC) has the experience and knowledge to address all your electrical needs, including emergency electrical maintenance. Although we hope you never have to deal with one, we’ve compiled a few items you should know about electrical emergencies.

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Electrical Construction Projects Are Evolving & So Should Your Contractor

Electrical contracting, like other facets of modern construction, is a constantly changing industry. That being said, the contractor you use for the electrical construction aspect of your project should be knowledgeable of these changes and skilled in the most up-to-date techniques.

Electrical contracting provides light, power, and communications to buildings and communities across the U.S. It is an industry valued in this country at more than $130 billion annually and comprised of more than 70,000 firms employing more than 65,000 electrical workers.

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