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Gary Houston Electric Company

Plow through Winter Outages with Guaranteed Electricity for Your Business

In addition to frustration that accompanies power outages, those that occur during winter can be particularly tricky – sometimes downright dangerous. And that applies to safety and revenue.

While most are inconvenienced to some degree when the power goes out, businesses in particular potentially stand to lose more. For example, while the safety of a few could be at stake during a freezing winter storm at a residence, the same could be true for tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people trapped at a business during a blizzard.

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Start Your Business with Bright Ideas and Bright Lights with Help from Experienced Electricians

When preparing to launch any new business, owners have a million things to do in preparation for the big day. Of course, if constructing a new building or even renovating an old one, the actual facility is likely to remain top of mind even up until opening.

With experienced commercial electric lighting contractors like Gary Houston Electric Company (GHEC) backing you, lighting is at least one thing you can check off your list. Not only that, you’ll have peace of mind knowing the job will be done to your satisfaction, as we have done the same for commercial clients throughout Central Arkansas for almost 40 years.

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