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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

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Gary Houston Electric Company

Knowing When to Repair it Yourself and When to Call Us

In tough economic times it’s tempting to tackle home repairs to try and save money. Besides, few things are as satisfying as a do-it-yourself home improvement project well done. We’ve all been there. And chances are, if you know a carpenter, a plumber, or a master electrician, you know someone who was jazzed early on by knowing how to take things apart and put them back together.

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Tips on How to Use Extension Cords and Surge Protectors Safely

Years ago life was simple and electrical outlets were abundant. No more. Now it seems we’re overrun with TVs, DVRs, modems, appliances, computers, you name it. And what few outlets are left fill up with phone chargers and tablets.

Extension cords and power strips are often used to fill the gap, but improper use is dangerous. Small devices such as lamps, radios, and the like may generally be powered with an extension if needed, and heavy duty extensions rated appropriately can be safely used to temporarily power electrical tools and other devices.

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