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Isotope Building, 88, USA

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Gary Houston Electric Company

Where Will You Be When the Lights go Out?

Electricity has only been widely available for a little over a century, but it’s truly amazing how much that we’ve come to depend on it for our safety, comfort, and recreation. It’s equally amazing how inconvenient that most of us find it when the power goes out, even if only for a couple of hours. And for some people, a power outage is a great deal more serious, particularly if they need to operate life-saving medical equipment.

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Know Your Limits For DIY Projects

At Gary Houston Electric Company, we love a good do-it-yourself project, and understand the sense of accomplishment that you get from knowing you’ve improved your home using your own two hands and a little know-how. We get that. But we do caution people tackling DIY projects that involve electricity to KNOW YOUR LIMITS.

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