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Isotope Building, 88, USA

(501) 375-8330

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

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Gary Houston Electric Company

When you’re choosing an electrical contractor, you owe it to yourself to insist on the best!

When you need quality electrical service, you have a lot of choices of residential and commercial electricians, and finding the one that’s the right fit can be a daunting task. You should always request bids from multiple contractors and see how they compare. You should also never be afraid to ask questions, particularly if a bid comes in substantially lower than the others: what corners are they prepared to cut to offer you that rock bottom price?

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3 Important Safety Tips for the Spring

We’ve sprung forward, and the daffodils are in bloom: it must be springtime! After the punishingly cold winter that we just had, Arkansans are all breathing a sigh of relief as the days start to get longer, and the sun sits high in the sky.

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