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Gary Houston Electric Company

Three advantages to upgrading to LED lighting

If you’ve recently had to replace a light bulb, you’ve already discovered that the standard incandescent bulbs that you’ve been using your whole life are rapidly disappearing from the shelves. The higher wattage bulbs have already been phased out, and the lower wattage bulbs will be the next to go. This leaves consumers with the option of choosing Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs or Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights.

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How to use power strips safely

As homeowners, one thing that we all have in common is a love for our electronic devices. Between our computers, televisions, cable boxes, and gaming systems, our electronics are the way that we stay entertained and connected. Unfortunately, most homes don’t have enough outlets to plug everything in, which is why power strips are so useful.

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