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Isotope Building, 88, USA

Light The Way For New Business!

No matter how large or small that your business is, it’s important to have a storefront that will attract customers and invite them inside. And once you get them through the front door, a retail space that is comfortable and inviting will encourage customers to stay longer and spend more.

You might not spend much time thinking about your lightning design, but you should. Our team of lighting specialists at Gary Houston Electric can show you several ways to increase storefront visibility and decrease energy costs with custom lighting solutions. Here are a few of the benefits of a making a lighting upgrade:

Visibility – Your storefront is an advertisement that runs all day, every day. At night, it’s important that your storefront and signage are clearly visible, and stand out from neighboring businesses. And a well-lit parking area is a good way for your customers to feel secure when shopping at night.

Comfort – Most people don’t light their homes with fluorescent tubes, and if you’re lighting your store with them, it may be time to consider a change. Sconce and track lighting can make a store feel more like home, and will increase the time your customers spend in your store.

Savings – If you haven’t recently upgraded, you’re probably currently spending too much to light your business. Incandescent light bulbs are being phased out and replaced with compact fluorescent (CFL), Halogen, and LED bulbs, all of which last longer, and provide more light for less energy. Switching now can lead to immediate savings.

Don’t leave your customers in the dark any longer! A free, no-obligation design consultation from Gary Houston Electric is a phone call away. We will design and install custom lighting to your exact specifications, and at a price that you can afford. We have been an Arkansas favorite for over 35 years, and are committed to 100% customer satisfaction. For more information, give us a call at (501) 375-8330, or click here, and let us know how we can help!